1. WNDR3700V4 扩展分区大小
后,根分区只利用了 14 MB,大多数帖子都是通过修改源码分区表,重新编译固件而全部利用剩余空间,不过这样做可以一劳永逸。但很容易变砖,而且刷回原厂变砖的概率极大。索性还是不动分区表,直接重新新建一个分区即可。重新建立一个分区坑也比较多😂
1 | root@OpenWrt:~# df -h |
Create ubifs volumes in Linux (OpenWRT
When using a router flashed with OpenWRT, you may find that the capacity of the filesystem is much smaller than the real capacity. For example, the router I use is Netgear WNDR4300 which has a 128MB Nand flash. But when using the ‘df -h’ command to inspect the space usage status, I surprisingly found that the space of the total mounting point ‘/‘ is only 14MB.
So to find out the reason and try to expand usable space, I used the command “dmesg” and “cat /proc/mtd” to collect the information of mtd devices.
Then, make the ubifs I need.
1 | ubiformat /dev/mtd11 |
1 | root@OpenWrt:~# df -h |
2.修改 opkg 默认安装路径
参照官方 Wiki opkg
1 | /etc/opkg.conf |
3.安装 frpc 并设置开机自启
先去现在自己路由器架构相同的编译 ipk 包,如果不清楚自己路由器芯片的架构,当你使用opkg install 安装软件的时候软件源的 url 里有你的芯片架构。
我的 wndr3700v4 是 mips_24kc 的架构
1 | wget https://github.com/kuoruan/openwrt-frp/releases/download/v0.29.0-1/frpc_0.29.0-1_mips_24kc.ipk |
可能会报错 😂 需要安装 libustream-openssl ca-bundle ca-certificates
1 | root@OpenWrt:/opt# wget https://github.com/kuoruan/openwrt-frp/releases/download/v0.29.0-1/frpc_0.29.0-1_mips_24kc.ipk |
根分区剩余空间太小了,于是就安装在单独的分区 opt 分区 下
1 | opkg install git -d opt |
1 | ln -s /opt/usr/bin/git-upload-pack /usr/bin/git-upload-pack |
5. https
1 | opkg install libustream-openssl ca-bundle ca-certificates |