In case you are trying to expose Dashboard using NodePort on a multi-node cluster, then you have to find out IP of the node on which Dashboard is running to access it. Instead of accessing https://<master-ip>:<nodePort> you should access https://<node-ip>:<nodePort>. 暴漏 node IP 一个端口来访问,同样浏览器会提示证书问题拒绝访问,测试 chrome edge ie 均无法访问,需要自己加个证书才行。下面就讲解用自己的域名签个证书来用。NodePort 是将节点直接暴露在外网的一种方式,只建议在开发环境,单节点的安装方式中使用。
3.API Server
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In case Kubernetes API server is exposed and accessible from outside you can directly access dashboard at: https://<master-ip>:<apiserver-port>/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/
Note: This way of accessing Dashboard is only possible if you choose to install your user certificates in the browser. In example certificates used by kubeconfig file to contact API Server can be used.
Dashboard can be also exposed using Ingress resource. For more information check:
1.引用官方的文档😂 Custom certificates have to be stored in a secret named kubernetes-dashboard-certs in kube-system namespace. Assuming that you have dashboard.crt and dashboard.key files stored under $HOME/certs directory, you should create secret with contents of these files: